Worldnet Grace Ministries



Speaker: Johnny M. Tatum



Selected studies are also available

on the Radicalgrace Bible Studies You tube channel:




                 Topical Index to Studies

History including Pre-History of the World, & End Times
{The Rapture, Tribulation, Millennial Kingdom, Eternity}

Science – including presentations on Mitochondrial DNA,
Evolution, Quantum Mechanics, Theory of Relativity

Government / Military – Nations, Borders, Sanctuary Cities,
Armies, Navies / Dealing with Rioting & Terrorists

.... Literature -- Allegory analysis; The Bible origin & transmission ....

Art / Music / Philosophy / Psychology

                            Updated June 30, 2019





Updated August 4, 2024





Letters specific to the
Bible Origin Series posted May 7, 2024



Audio Study updates:

Introduction to the Book of Mark



"Not to be served,

 but to serve"






.....Proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ:...

............What the Gospel is -- and is Not Connie Tatum


...Promises for those who...
Jesus as their Savior


....Warnings for those who...


The Truth




Proclamer la bonne nouvelle de Jésus-Christ :
Ce qu'est l'Evangile - e
t ce qu'il n'est pas

par Connie Tatum


Des promesses pour ceux

qui font confiance

en Jésus comme Sauveur



Avertissements pour

qui rejettent

La vérité





Proclamar las buenas nuevas
de Jesucristo:
lo que es y no es el evangelio

por Connie Tatum

..Promesas para
quienes confían en Jesús como su Salvador


Advertencias para quienes rechazan

la Verdad






Le futur sauveur de l'Europe:
Christ .ou. Antéchrist.?

......... ...The coming savior of Europe:
.................Christ .or. AntIchrist.?

Listen in English


  Ecoutez en francais

.Musique de Clôture: .La Neuvième Symphonie de Beethoven,
Le Mouvement Final

....Closing Music: .The Ninth Symphony of Beethoven, Final Movement....






Coronavirus message #1


......... .............. ...........




Coronavirus message #2




Ruth, Part 1

Can We Count on God to meet our Needs?

Common Grace vs. Special Grace

Pictures from the Book of Ruth

Ruth, Partie 1

Pouvons-nous compter sur Dieu

pour répondre à nos besoins?

Grâce commune vs. grâce spéciale

Des images du livre de Ruth




Coronavirus message #3



Ruth, Part 2

Barging into the Presence of God

Falsehoods taught in Churches

Pictures from the Book of Ruth

Ruth, Partie 2

Faire Irruption en Présence de Dieu

Les mensonges enseignés dans les églises

Images du livre de Ruth





Audio Bible Studies:


Great Stories from the Old Testament:

Old Testament Stories & New Testament Epistles

Most recent Government studies:
God's Plans for Nations, Borders,
Immigration & Solving Poverty
Globalists vs Nationalists
What it will take to turn America Around
The Bible: Origin and Transmission The Life of Jesus: Learning to Listen
Difficult Bible Passages:

The Perspicuity of Scripture & Misunderstandings

Acts: A Homerian Literary Masterpiece
God uses only flawed, defective people
History of the World - Past, Present, Future Pre-History of the World
The Rapture of the Church -- Believers, Children,
& Animals under Believers' Dominion
"Bematos" -- The Blessing Place of Christ
Ezekiel: The Pantomime Prophet
The mysterious Angelic Wheels
Ruth: An allegory of Redemption
Peter the Redneck Poet -- 1 Peter:
Embracing a Life of Joy in the Hostile World
Peter the Redneck Poet -- 2 Peter:
Partakers of the Divine Nature
Joshua Judges
The Psalms Hebrews
Elijah / Elisha Topical Messages
Easter Series  




Text-based Bible Studies:


The Hidden Life of Jesus "Radical Grace" Series
Esther: An Allegory Daniel: Getting Hidden Knowledge
Ruth: A Jewel Shining Against the Darkness  







Recommended Links What is "The Gospel"? Statement of Faith




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