MATTHEW 1:1-17

Presenting the Genealogy of Jesus of Nazareth: King!

By Johnny Tatum



From Abraham to David, the Matthew and Luke genealogies of Jesus of Nazareth are the same. Thereafter, the genealogies presented by Matthew and Luke are different.

The following table presents the two genealogies [from David's descendants to Jesus of Nazareth]; again, in descending order:

Matthew 1:6-16

Luke 3:23-31

begat Solomon [by the wife of Uriah]

the son of Nathan

begat Rehoboam

the son of Mattatha

begat Abijah

the son of Menna

begat Asa

the son of Melea

begat Jehoshaphat

the son of Eliakim

begat Joram

the son of Jonam

begat Uzziah

the son of Joseph

begat Jotham

the son of Judah

begat Ahaz

the son of Simeon

begat Hezekiah

the son of Levi

begat Manasseh

the son of Matthat

begat Amon

the son of Jorim

begat Josiah [and his brothers]

the son of Eliezer

begat Jeconiah

the son of Joshua

begat Shealtiel

the son of Er

begat Zerubbabel

the son of Elmadam

begat Abihud

the son of Cosam

begat Eliakim

the son of Addi

begat Azor

the son of Melchi

begat Zadok

the son of Neri

begat Achim

the son of Shealtiel

begat Eliud

the son of Zerubbabel

begat Eleazar

the son of Rhesa

begat Matthan

the son of Joanan

begat Jacob

the son of Joda

begat Joseph [the husband of Mary]

the son of Josech

[by whom was born]

the son of Semein

Jesus [called Christ]

the son of Mattathias

the son of Maath

the son of Naggai

the son of Hesli

the son of Nahum

the son of Amos

the son of Mattathias

the son of Joseph

the son of Jannai

the son of Melchi

the son of Levi

the son of Matthat

the son of Eli

[supposedly the son of] Joseph



Some people have said They are partly the same because some of the names are the same. Actually, the same names found in both lines [from David's descendants to Jesus] belong to different people.

Question: Why is it that after David, we have two entirely different genealogies?


Problem Solving:

We have two problems, as follows:

  1. Messiah was to come through the royal line.
  2. Messiah was not to be of that line.


That Was Exactly The Case With JESUS!


There are probably about nine billion people who have ever lived on the earth. [By the way, over six billion of them are living on earth right now.] Of those nine billion people, one Person was to be in the messianic line and, at the same time, He was not to be in that line. Of course, that Person is:

Jesus of Nazareth: Messiah




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