The Life of Jesus: Learning to Listen
(NOT learning to "Obey")
(Presented Nov 4, 2012 to Mar 16, 2014)
Notes about the audios and the handouts:
To listen to the audios:
Left click (once) the link that says "Play Audio" and the file will begin to play.
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Right click the link that says:
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access the handouts:
Left click (once) on the icon.
A new window will open which displays the handout.
The Handouts are 11" X 17"
formatted Microsoft Word© documents providing a list of all
the verses covered in the study.
(We prefer the 11" x 17" format so that all the verses are kept on one
sheet and can be conveniently stored in a letter file or notebook.)
The handouts are helpful for following along while listening to the
audio, and for writing your personal notes.
Handouts developed by Connie Tatum.
The Life of Jesus: Learning to Listen
Title |
Handout |
Listen |
Download |
1. Origin of the 4
Ask not: “What would Jesus do?” Rather ask: “How did Jesus live?” Closing: Southern Rail, "I love to Tell the Story" |
2. The 4 Gospels -- Jesus as
Messiah, Servant, Man, God
Jesus, the Perfect Man, learned to listen to His Father Closing: "Open Our Eyes" |
3. Gabriel's
Announcements of 2 supernatural Births & 2 different
Faith does not move God's hand; Lack of faith does not block God's hand Closing: Burl Ives, "Standing on the Promises" |
4. Jesus born in Bethlehem in "the Fullness of Time" Closing: "Oh Little Town of Bethlehem" |
5. Shepherds visit the Savior Why
Jesus empathizes with our fallen nature Closing: Johnny Mathis, "What Child is This" |
6. "Simeon Says" Luke 2:25-38 Jesus presented at the Temple Dr. Thomas Bohmfalk, Speaker |
![]() 7. Who were the Wise Men (Magi)? God Meets Us Where We Are Closing: "We Three Kings" |
8. Herod, the Magi, & the Flight to Egypt,
Jesus' Light available to All who are interested Closing: "Shine, Jesus Shine" |
9. Why are People Evil and Insane?
Herod and the Little Children at Bethlehem Closing: Glen Campbell, "Love Lifted Me" |
10. Jesus
learning to listen - His first recorded Thoughts
Freedom is Soul Food Closing: "Open Our Eyes" |
11. For the first time
Jesus hears the Father directly
Wrestling with God in Times of Discouragement Closing: "How Firm A Foundation" |
12. Jesus Lined up with Sinners to
Take Our Number at His Baptism
Jesus stands before the judgment seat of God as The Substitute for every Believer Closing: "He Leadeth Me" |
13. Jesus's Baptism: Identity Theft
Jesus takes Our ID Card and gives Us His Closing: Ferlin Husky, "On the Wings of a Snow White Dove" |
14. Jesus’
Identification with Us challenged at the Temptation
Why Jesus answers / refuses to answer at His Trials Closing: Jimmy Swaggart, "He Just Put Himself In My Place" |
15. Jesus
meets His first Disciples
No Cookie Cutter Christians ! ! ! Closing: Dixieland Quartet, "Just A Closer Walk" |
16. Jesus'
first Miracle -- The Wedding at Cana
Changing Water to Wine Brings Joy Closing: "Hava Nagila" |
17. The Wedding at Cana:
An Allegory
Self is the Enemy, NOT Sin ! ! Closing: Chuck Berry, "You Never Can Tell" |
18. Jesus Disrupts
Commerce in the Temple Courtyard
Judgment: God's Strange Work Closing: Frankie Laine, "Rawhide" |
19. Jesus and Nicodemus
Believing precedes Understanding Closing: Jim Reeves, "Whispering Hope" |
20. The Serpent in the Wilderness: A Picture of Jesus
A Picture of Jesus taking Our Curse Closing: "At Calvary" (Bluegrass Style) |
21. Jesus & the
Samaritan Woman at Jacob's Well
Well of the Soul vs. Well of the Spirit Closing: Maame Lucy Crentsil, "Jesus the Living Waters" |
22. Jesus' Teaching
in the Synagogue at Nazareth
Initial Favor Turns to Rage Closing: "Havenu Shalom Aleichem" ("We Bring You Peace") |
23. The first Day of
Jesus' Great Galilean Ministry
Jesus casts out a Demon in the Capernaum Synagogue on the Sabbath Jesus Commits 2 Felonies: Breaking & Entering, Kidnapping Closing: Bob Dylan, "You Gotta Serve Somebody" |
24. The first Day of
Jesus' Great Galilean Ministry (continued)
Jesus heals Peter's Mother-in-Law There is no such Gift as "the Gift of Healing" Closing: "My Faith Has Found a Resting Place" |
25. Jesus heals a Man
full of Leprosy
Believers saved by Jesus’ Death / justified (vindicated) by His Resurrection Closing: The Beatles, "Free As A Bird" |
26. Jesus heals a
paralyazed Man lowered through the Roof
Our new Lives: Freed ! -- Not Forced ! ! Closing: Johnny Nash, "I Can See Clearly Now" |
27. Jesus is Lord over
the Sabbath
Are you free to break the law? Closing: Chuck Berry, "School Days" |
28. The Sermon on the
Not Rules to Follow ! ! ! Closing: George Gershwin, "I Got Plenty of Nothing" |
29. The Lord's Prayer
infused with the New Covenant
"My Dad who is in Heaven..." Closing: Michael W. Smith, "Glory Overture" |
30. Jesus heals the
Centurion's Servant long Distance
Measuring Faith Weakens It ! ! ! The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle Closing: Amy Grant, "Faith Walking People" |
31. None Greater than
John the Baptist ~ Except You!
Closing: Alan Jackson, "Blessed Assurance" |
32. Parable of the Sower
& the 4 Soils
When we feel detached, Jesus is lifting us above the things of the world Closing: The Doobie Brothers, "Jesus is Just Alright With Me" |
33. Three Parables of
the Kingdom – Tares in the Field, Mustard Seed, & Leaven
Kingdom of God vs. Kingdom of Heaven (Clue: Satan dominates the Kingdom of Heaven) Closing: Bob Dylan, "You Gotta Serve Somebody" |
34. Parables: the Hidden
Treasure, the Pearl of great Value, the lost Sheep, and the lost Coin Jesus as a Farmer, a Merchant, a Shepherd, and a Woman Jesus pursues us because we have Infinite Value Closing: "O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus" |
35. The Miraculous
Feeding of the 5000+
Look for Miracles in the Ends, not in the means Closing: Tennessee Ernie Ford, "How Great Thou Art" |
36. Jesus & Peter
Walk on Water
Jesus: "Cheer up! It's Me! Don't be afraid." Peter: "Talk me into it!" Closing: Johnny Cash, "Troublesome Waters" |
37. Jesus casts out 2000+ Demons at Gadara
Demonic possession foreshadows unbelievers in hell Closing: Richard Strauss "Also Sprach Zarathustra" |
38. Crisis at Caesarea
"Is Anybody Getting It?" Closing: "There's a Sweet, Sweet Spirit" |
39. Jesus to Peter, "Get behind me,
Embrace being an enemy of the state! Closing: Johnny Cash, "I was There When it Happened" |
40. The Transfiguration
Jesus filled full the Law and the Prophets for every born again Believer Closing: "Believe" (Bluegrass Style) |
41. Martha and Mary
Remedies for anxiety and worry Closing: "As the Deer" |
42. Keep Asking,
Seeking, Knocking
Is the universe just a computer simulated replay ? Closing: John Williams, "Raiders of the Lost Ark" |
43. Parable of the Wise
Foolish Farmer
Living rich towards God – Living, not giving ! Closing: Southern Rail, "I Love to Tell the Story" |
44. Parable of the
Loving Father (aka "the Prodigal Son")
Father, Bad Boy & Homeboy Closing: Alan Jackson, "Softly and Tenderly" |
45. Parable of the
Unjust Steward
Will you be judged by THE Book or the books? Closing: David Slater, "He Paid a Debt" |
46. The true Story of
Lazarus & the Rich Man
Everyone makes his own reservations for eternity Closing: John Williams, "Theme from Star Wars" |
47. Parable of the
Workers in the Vineyard
Picture of the Bematos -- Blessing Place ! ! ! Crowns: Not what we work for, rather what we wait for! Closing: Andrae Crouch, "My Tribute (To God be the Glory)" |
48. Jesus heals the
blind beggar Bartimaeus
Spiritual Advantages of blind People Asking
God to turn us in the right Direction better than Closing: Glen Campbell, "Amazing Grace" |
49. Jesus &
Fairy Tales reflect the Son of Man seeking and saving the Lost Everyone longs to be safe at home Closing: Ralph Stanley & The Clinch Mountain Boys, "Zacchaeus" (Bluegrass Style) |
50. The Triumphal Entry
- God
Persistently Rewinds
God's purpose for us will not be thwarted There is no Plan "B" for a Believer Closing: Jerry Harrison, "I Saw the Light" |
51. Parable of the
Wicked Tenants
Grapes of the Gospel produce Wine of Joy The 12 Apostles are the new Guardians of the Gospel Closing: Jimmy Swaggart, "Joy Unspeakable" |
52. Parable of the
Corner Stone
Jesus fulfills all Dimensions of Quantum Mechanics in the Universe Closing: Joseph Garlington,"Cornerstone" |
53. Parable of the
Wedding Feast
"Many are called, but few are chosen" ("Everyone is invited, but only few accept") Closing: Jerry Harrison, "Love Lifted Me" |
54. The Sadducees'
Subversive Question about Marriages in Heaven
All Believers will be Married unto Eternity Closing: Natalie Cole, "This will be an Everlasting Love" |
55. The Olivet
Discourse with the Church's Rapture Inserted
Psalm 2 – God laughing at world’s leaders openly hostile to Him Closing: Bob Dylan, "Are You Ready?" |
56. Parable of the Wise
and Foolish Attendants (aka
The Bridegroom draws Born Again Believers out from the Wrath which is coming Closing: Smoky Mountain Jubilee Choir, "Give me oil in my lamp" |
57. You have not desired
sacrifice and offering; You have prepared a Body
How God dealt with the Poison of Sin Closing: The Don Marsh Chorus and Orchestra, "Oh How He loves you and me" |
58. Upper Room Discourse
& Gethsemane
Jesus Reels from the Impact of Sins Placed on Him in the Garden Closing: Jimmy Swaggart, "He Just Put Himself In My Place" |
59. Jesus at the Cross
- "I
Am the Tolah,
not a Man"
A Moment can encompass all of Eternity, and Eternity can be contained in a Moment Closing: "At Calvary" (Bluegrass Style) |
60. Jesus was raised for our
Why a
person who has trusted in Jesus as Savior is never out Closing: The Imperials, "I'm Forgiven" |
61. Redneck Peter's
slippery slope - 5 steps that lead to despair and failure
Jesus recalibrates Peter's thinking to release the Flow of Resurrection Power through him Closing: The Doobie Brothers, "Jesus is Just Alright With Me" |
62. The Book of Mark's
Abrupt Ending:
with Fear"
Beware of Forged Additions to Scripture ! Closing: Gerry and the Pacemakers, "You'll Never Walk Alone" |